Sunday, 27 June 2010

Hall Place Cross Country - 27th June 2010

Hall Place is an excellent riding centre for cross country events, with woods and lots of field space the courses are fun and challenging. Since last year a number of new jumps and obsticles have been added to the course with areas of the woods being cleared to allow for more options.

From a photography point of view this gave us some opportunities to take action photographs inside the woods, something we have not been able to do easily in the past due to lack of light. The end result was a good selection of new fences that we have never been able to photograph before.

The event itself had a good turn out of riders although the spectators were few and far between. This would most likely be due to the England v Germany World Cup football game that was taking place that afternoon and possibly due to the extreme heat that day.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Berks Riding Club Show - Newbury 20th June 2010

This is always a popular show and this year was no exception. Last year the show jumping had been very busy and was still going long after everything else had finished.

This year the showing classes were much bigger and they took the crown. The weather was good to us with the sun shinning!

For more information on Berks Riding Club follw this link.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Wanborough Spring Show 12th June 2010

Wanborough Show is another new event on our calendar this year. The show is actually split between a dog show and a horse show held on two seperate venues close to each other. There were two rings of show jumping and a number of rings of showing and working hunter.

There appeared to be a good turn out on the day, the weather possibly helping as it was a scorcher! We shot great images on the day, which are still available to
order via our website.

Leading Rider on the day!

Sunday, 6 June 2010

West Surrey Riding Club - Show 6th June 2010

A new event on the calendar for us this year. The West Surrey Riding Club Show was held at Cranleigh Show Ground and covered a mixture of Showing, Show Jumping and Working Hunter classes. It was nice to be welcomed warmly by the organisers and participants alike.

The venue itself was excellent, with nice open fields and plenty of parking. Luckily the weather held out with just a little drizzle that only lasted a few minutes.

Once again there was a good turn out of young riders who were given every encouragement by the judges and spectators!